need some help. can you give me some advice on business casual dress for a male. I have no idea what to wear with what. Please help! do the collard shirts need to match the shoes and the pants??????
Can I wear black shoes with tan docker pants and brown shoes with black docker pants? I am very confused and?
Your shoes have to match your belt and your purse.
Reply:grey pinstriped pants with black leather horse-bit silver buckle shoes, a white collared shirt and a black leather belt. there is nothing more classy and professional. take care of your skin and hair too, it's very important.
stick with white collared shirts or vertical colored-striped collared shirts, try to pick up hues in the pants, but DON'T matchy matchy everything, it looks bad and washes you out. invest in a nice pair of black leather dress shoes that are COMFORTABLE. i recommed Cole Haan, Ecco, Born (first pick), or Kenneth Cole - all of which you can get at Foley's.
also - depending on what type of pants you have, you don't always to tuck in your shirt, but do NOT do the retro, vintage bowler-shirt look, it's very 1996.
Black DOES NOT go with brown.
if you live in a cold climate, invest in a wool knee-length overcoat (or a masculine pea-coat) and contrasting scarf, VERY classy but laid-back.
jeans can look nice with a nice collared shirt, but a NICE pair of jeans, not crappy ones from old navy. I recommend Diesel, 7seven for all mankind, or Structure.
DON"T BE AFRAID OF COLOR!!!! a man can look stunningly attractive in deep purples or bright reds with dark pants and noce cufflinks.
good luck, e-mail me with any questions (i'm a fashion-monger)
Reply:switch shoes with each other
Reply:yeah, you can wear black with tan - *sidetracked - I'd like a black %26amp; tan right now*
nono no on the brown shoes with the black.
Reply:1st of all Slow down and breathe for a sec. Geez weez Now first of all black goes w/ everything remember that. Fu*K tha brwn shoes if you can.. Good luck Just do tha black! Keep it simple!
Reply:You can wear black shoes with any color pants.Brown shoes are for jeans or tan,brown pants.Your belt,if you wear,one should match the shoes.Shirt color really doesn't matter,it's a personal choice. And also your socks should match the shoe color. I hope this has helped! :)
Reply:The old "rule" used to be that your shoes needed to match your belt. However, brown shoes with black slacks are never a good idea.
What type of shoes are you wanting to put with the dockers? Dockers (broadcloth cotton/permanent press) give the impression of "almost" dress pants. In that regard, I would suggest you wear a smooth brown or tan or oxblood leather top shoe---either slip-on or string ties, along with a leather belt matching the leather on your shoes. Then you can wear your button-down shirt or even a Henley collar shirt and look very nice.
Most importantly, however, make sure you're finger nails are clean and neatly cut, your teeth are clean, your breath is fresh! Then smile and be confident. Sounds like you're wanting to put your best foot forward.
Reply:For instance, blue, white, stripe (really any color shirt) will go with tan or black dockers. With tan pants, wear brown shoes, unless you're wearing a black shirt, then wear the black shoes. Match the belt to the shoes. Make the socks blend, too. If you're wearing black shoes, wear black socks, not white. Does that help?
Reply:Have you seen the tv show on tlc "What not to Wear"? They'll give you good tips. NO, don't match your clothes. Its good to stick to colors in the same "family" as one another but never wear black, black, brown, brown... etc. Stick with colors and styles that COMPLIMENT eachother but don't match. It just doens't look right
Reply:for business wear, it is always better to wear black shoes with your power suit.
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